
Sunday, December 9, 2012


There are two types of kundalini which both come from lower dimensions. 
These are Earth Kundalini and Body Kundalini.

Earth Kundalini comes from the core of the earth which is actually a large iron crystal. This crystal is like an interdimensional gateway which goes into a lower dimension. This dimension contains the kundalini force which is infinite and is the ultimate nurturing force of all material creation. This force travels upwards from the iron core crystal and enters the human body at the perineum, the location of the Base Chakra. When the Base Chakra is activated and all associated issues have been cleared it becomes possible for this force to enter the body and travel straight up through the middle of the body and out the top of the head. It passes through all the chakras on its way through and fully activates them. 
If the Base Chakra is blocked and not properly activated, the kundalini will not be activated at the iron core crystal and will not connect with the Base Chakra located at the perineum.The Base Chakra and the iron core crystal work together and some esoteric schools actually say that the core crystal is the true location of the base chakra. From my perspective the base chakra and the iron core crystal are distinct structures although they do operate in unison while incarnated on Earth. The Earth Kundalini remains almost entirely dormant for most humans as it is cut off from us when we are still very young. The formation of the earthly ego and personality, the many emotional blockages and sexual issues and the reactivation of past life traumas stop the flow of the kundalini at a young age.

While the Earth Kundalini travels from the middle of the earth up through the perineum and straight through the middle of the body and out the top of the head the Body Kundalini begins at the base of the spine and travels up the spine and out the top of the head. They are two distinct channels and the forces themselves are slightly different. The Body Kundalini comes from a chakra-like structure which is located at the base of the spine and which needs to be activated to create a gateway into the lower dimension from where the kundalini comes.
If either Earth or Body Kundalini is successfully activated before the energy body has been cleared and prepared the force would blast through the system finding the easiest way out. Blockages could send it in any direction which could cause serious burning out of the energy body along with the possible burning and damage to organs. Even more serious it could do damage to the physical structure including the spine and the brain. Insanity could easily take place as the force rushes into the head, which may still be full of negative beliefs and illusions. As the Third Eye is forced open the individual would suddenly be confronted by an array of perceptions that would fast become uncontrollable and they would have serious trouble closing the eye.

The above scenario has occurred numerous times to ascetics and spiritual practitioners in the past as well as spontaneously to many hospitalized psychotics and schizophrenics.
However, if the system is ready for kundalini then all the chakras would be fully activated and the crown would open for higher consciousness to descend into the body. This would be the culmination of the spiritual work of an individual and lead to a true spiritual incarnation. Many amazing powers would be awakened including powers of healing, clairvoyance, clairsentience, powers over nature, in particular over snakes, powers of creation and creativity, and many others.
Kundalini cannot be held, stored or strengthened but must be allowed to move. It is an infinite force from very low dimensions that nurtures the body, mind and spirit like nothing else. To overcome the fear of death, and therefore the ego’s most basic root, the kundalini must be awakened and without this the spirit cannot dwell within.

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