
Monday, January 20, 2014

100,000 Monks in Meditation for World Peace

100,000 Monks in meditation for world peace. Does this really make a difference? A great example of this is the Maharishi Effect, where in 1978 a group of 7000 individuals meditating on thoughts of love and peace were able to radiate loving energy energy which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation over the course of 3 weeks by an average of 16%. 

Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist during the times at which this group was meditation.

Almost 50 studies have been done further confirming the benefits of global meditation and it's direct impact on everything in the world, even so far as to have the results published in the Journal of Crime and Justice in 1981. We know meditation has endless health and psychological benefits, but it is now being explored by politics and sociology because of its undeniable energetic impact.


Everything is energy, including your thoughts. These thoughts have a radiant quality that ripple through the consciousness field and energetically effect all things around you. If you want to change the state of society, it starts right now by finding peace and love within yourself.

“I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program. It has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution. This work and the theory that informs it deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.” — David Edwards Ph.D., Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin

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